
Introduction to Larson Steel Sheet Pile

2023-12-07 13:22


"Lassen" steel sheet pile is arenowned building material in the civil engineering field. It is applied tovarious retaining structures, and its application field and advantage have been(in the professional field) proved.

In 1902, German chief engineer TryggveLarssen developed world's first U-shaped rivet interlocked steel sheet pile inBremen.

(2) Temporary building structures includeclosed hillsides, temporary revetments, cut-off rivers, temporary fake islands,bridge cofferdams, as well as retaining walls of irrigation canals and ditchesfor laying large pipelines.

(3) Buildings for disaster relief andrescue include flood, landslide, collapse and quicksand......

In the end of the 1950s, the Ministry ofRailways Bridge Bureau first introduced U-shaped sheet pile from the SovietUnion for underwater construction of the bridge cofferdam of Wuhan YangtzeRiver Bridge.

In the following decades, hot-rolled steelsheet pile has been disused due to economic constraints, shortage of productionequipment and rolling technology and deficiency in engineering machinery andbackward construction technology.

In the end of the 20th century,a steel company produced over 5000 tons of 400mm wide SLU5-1 steel sheet pilesusing process equipment produced by the introduced universal mill productionline. They have been successfully applied to projects such as Nenjiang Bridgecofferdam, Jingjiang New Century shipyard 300,000t dockyard and Bangladeshflood prevention project.

It is reported that about 60% of overseashot-rolled steel sheet piles are used for single-use permanent structures andabout 40% are repeatedly used for temporary structures.

Steel sheet pile is reused by professionalpiling rent companies. e.g.: Germany Thyssen Krupp owns 13 chain piling andrent companies, which almost cover the entire German market.

Presently, Japan has a steel sheet pilerent and production capacity of above 500/000t/year and an annual turnover rateof above 3 times (the depreciation cycle should be 8 times).

Besides Japan, the steel sheet pile rentand piling industry is also very developed in Singapore and South Korea.

Presently, the world's annual consumptionof steel sheet pile is above 3 million tons, including 500,000-600,000t ofEurope and above 500,000t of North America.

In Asia, Japan has an annual consumptionof 500,000-600,000t, South Korea has an annual consumption of about 200,000t,and Southeast Asia has an annual consumption of nearly 200,000t (including anannual consumption of 100,000t of Singapore).

China is at the stage of rapid economicdevelopment and has an extensive need for steel sheet pile due to a vastterritory and complex geologic structure. Meanwhile, as the first modernmetallurgical equipment was put into production in China, large-scale steelworks are able to produce steel sheet piles, and China has occupied anincreasingly important place in the production and application of steel sheetpile.

(1) Hot- rolled steel sheet pile: Existingdomestic hot- rolled steel sheet pile manufacturers include Jinxi, Laigang,Anshan Zizhu, Baotou Steel and Wuhan Steel, which have developed and producedsteel sheet piles.

  (2) Cold- formed steel sheet pile manufacturers mainly include OLT(Shanghai) Heavy Cold Rolling Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Guoqiang Ritie BuildingMaterials Co., Ltd., Shanxi Dingrong Cold- formed Sectional Steels Co., Ltd.,Wuhan Steel Group Hankou Steel Mill and Jiangsi Shunli Steel Group, etc.

Rigorousness Pragmatism Innovation ——
Dedicated to developing the self-propelled
"static pressure pile driver"
