
Comparison relevant parameters of static pressure pile driver and geological conditions

2023-12-07 13:11

Comparisonrelevant parameters of static pressure pile driver and geological conditions

Application scopeof geological conditions:

Specificto different geological conditions, we adopt different construction methods.For details, refer to "News Center-Industry News-Static Pressure PileDriver" in the website of the Company

Standardpenetration blow count (value N):

Determinationof number of standard penetration test N. The blow count that a 63.5KG hammerdrops freely at a height of 76cm and drives a standard penetrator into the testfoundation soil for 30cm, namely the number of standard penetration tests ofthis soil layer.

Application inpile foundation:

1.Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile;

2.Judge the possibility of pile sinking;

3.Determine applicable construction method

Comparison tableof mean cone blow count N (63.5) and basic permissible value Fa0 of bearingcapacity and standard frictional resistance qik of soil on the sideof bored pile

Comparison tableof mean blow count N63.5 of standard penetration and basic permissible valueFa0 of bearing capacity and standard frictional resistance qik ofsoil on the side of bored pile

Determination ofnumber of standard penetration tests and comparison table of indexes of claysoil and silt

Rigorousness Pragmatism Innovation ——
Dedicated to developing the self-propelled
"static pressure pile driver"
