
This black technology has been extensively applied abroad, don't you know it?! Look! Or you will be

2023-12-07 13:04

Domestic steel sheet pile drivers are mainly used for cofferdamproject, breakwater, embankment, retaining wall, diaphragm wall, waterconservancy project and tunnel project, etc. The construction equipment mainly includes electric hammer, excavator andvibratory hammer, vibratory hammer and static pressure pile driver.

The static pressure pile driver has been widely used inSoutheast Asia, Europe and America and was just introduced to China in the pasttwo years, with limited use.

Advantages: No vibration, no noise, high accuracy, smalloperation area, good construction effect of steel sheet pile and excellentwaterproof and retaining effect.

Disadvantages: Mechanical equipment is imported with highprices.

The static pressurepile driver developed by Dalian Hydraulic Pile Driver Machinery &Technology Co., Ltd fills the gap in China and has excellent cost performance.  

Introduction to static pressure steelsheet piling method

Composition of static pressure pile driver

Small noise and no vibration during construction

Auxiliary construction method refers to carry out normalconstruction of stratums hard or impossible to built using ordinary pilingmethod by auxiliary means and mainly includes water jet method and twistdrilling method. Auxiliary constructionmethod should be selected according practical situation.

Static pressure construction method for steel sheet pile is anew construction method in China and a reform and innovation of steel sheetpile construction method.

Relative to traditional construction methods, this method has the advantages of small andportable mechanical equipment, high output power, low noise and no vibration.

To a larger extent, the static pressure construction methodoverthrew the traditional construction need and can greatly solve theconstruction difficulties and meet customer needs in the following threeaspects:

No temporaryengineering GRB system; Operation in narrowspaces; Operation in low spaces.

The GRB system is a counter force based system method thatrealizes all processes (handling, hoisting and pressing) of jacked pilecontinuous wall and is conducted on the pile, with no need for temporaryproject

Operation in narrow spaces

In the course of quick urbanization, traditional constructionmachines cannot enter some areas due to narrow roads or other factors; e.g.:Blocked road construction will have a great impact and a very high cost. When static pressure pile driver and narrow space constructionmethod are adopted, the construction space should just be as wide as themachine.

Comparison between static pressure construction method andtraditional construction methods

Construction cases of confined spaces

Operation in low spaces

When there are obstacles (e.g.: Under a bridge and in a culvert)in the air of a construction site, dedicated static pressure pile driver can beused for construction without damaging and dismounting existing buildings andstructures.

Analysis of disadvantages of static pressure pile driver

High quality requirements for operators

Presently, only a few Chinese technical staffs preliminarilymaster basic operation of this machine, so this machine should be operated byJapanese professionals under complex geological conditions.

China has cultivated agroup of mature technical staffs, and the Company equips itself with adepartment responsible for training professional operators of static pressurepile driver.

High requirements for construction accuracy

There are very high requirements for the construction accuracy.If a pile has a great deviation and it is not corrected timely, probably itcannot be further pressed.

Host and componentsare imported and have a long maintenance period

Since this machine is a special machine, there is no partsmanufacturer in China and parts need be imported from Japan, so it takes a longtime to maintain it.

After the host islocalized, the problems of accessories and after-sales service have beensolved, and the Company also produces accessories of imported products.

No quota and price in China

For lack of quota standard and nonstandard rates, it isdifficult to fix the prices and collect the fees, which largely restricts thepopularization and application of this method.

Presently, relevantauthorities have started to develop the specification for static pressure piledriver, and relevant quotas and prices have been continuously prepared andimproved.

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Rigorousness Pragmatism Innovation ——
Dedicated to developing the self-propelled
"static pressure pile driver"
