Presently,the underwater pier and abutment of a bridge often adopt steel sheet pilecofferdam and steel box cofferdam.
With reliable integrity and good waterproofness, the steel box cofferdam is applicableto construction of pier and abutment of bridge projects with a large waterdepth and poor geological conditions. The steel boxcofferdam features large input of steels, low recovery rate, large input ofequipment and personnel in sunken state and complicated process.
The steel sheet pile cofferdam features quick construction, short period,recyclable supporting materials and high economical efficiency and requireswaterproof measures. With construction of steel sheet pilecofferdam of Ji Canal River bridge project in Ninghe County of Tianjin City asan example, the problem of leakage of steel sheet pile cofferedam was solvedusing common waterproof color strip cloth and fine dry sand or saw dust mixedwith wet sand.