Study of StaticPressure Piling Construction Quota of Steel Sheet Pile
Inrecent years, the static pressure piling method for steel sheet pile minimizedthe environmental impact since it was noiseless and vibrationless, and it hasbeen applied to the pile foundation field and highly accepted since it wasapplied to confined spaces and other places inaccessible to ordinary piledrivers. As a new construction method, the loss of its construction quotahinders from its quick popularization. Specific to static pressure pilingmethod for steel sheet pile, according to the construction need for Nanning"Three Streets and Two Lanes" project, the principle, processessentials, construction procedure and quality of this construction method wereintroduced. Meanwhile, to meet the engineering budget need and fill the gap inconstruction quota, quota was estimated using quota compilation principle anddetailed record of workday. Based on statistical simulation principle, quotawas scientifically and accurately analyzed, and the piling and pullingconstruction quota was obtained.
First,the pressing principle and method of static pressure pile driver and itsapplication in a special and complex environment were introduced in detail, andthe static pressure piling method and process of steel sheet pile were studied,which offered a certain support for projects using this method.
Then,overview and geological condition of Nanning "Three Streets and TwoLanes" project were analyzed, and the feasibility of static pressurepiling method for steel sheet pile in this project was analyzed and studiedspecific to project features and difficulties; according to engineeringpractice and traditional quota compilation method, preliminary data of staticpressure piling quota of steel sheet pile was estimated; shortages of compilingquota in a traditional way were analyzed.
Finally,based on original data acquired from Nanning "Three Streets and TwoLanes" project, plenty of simulation consistent with the rule was obtainedusing software, simulation analysis of data was carried out based onstatistical simulation principle, and the construction quota of static pressurepiling method for steel sheet pile was obtained. Relative to traditional quotaestimation methods, this method can greatly improve the quota accuracy tofacilitate with the popularization of quota and offer references for fillingthe gap in construction quota.
Keywords:Steel sheet pile, static pressure piling, construction quota, simulatedstatistics